Facial fillers aren’t a new cosmetic trend, but many people are still a little confused over whether this treatment option is right for them. If you’ve been considering this option, you might be wondering when is the right time or age to start this type of treatment. Let’s learn more about when to start facial fillers.
Permanent Lines
Many people don’t notice the small subtle signs of aging. When you’re looking at yourself every day, you simply don’t see how things might be changing. One way to evaluate for lines and wrinkles is to notice the frown lines between your eyes when you’re squinting or frowning. You probably won’t notice these when your face is at rest. If these lines are still visible while your face is resting, this means that permanent lines are forming and facial fillers could help.
Preventative Measures
A lot of people choose to start facial fillers before they notice these wrinkles. When the muscles of the upper face are injected in the right locations it can help to prevent the start of such lines. Some people start facial fillers as young as in their 20s. According to Fortune Business Insights, approximately 13.2 million cosmetic procedures are done in the U.S. and about 3.4 million of those were soft tissue fillers. These procedures can be done at any age!
Collagen Reduction
The mid-20s is a good time to start with dermal fillers. Your body will actually start to lose bone and collagen around age 26. Although most people don’t start to notice these changes at that age, this is when preventive treatments can be started. This is a way to maintain youthful looks rather than trying to regain them. Dermal fillers can be used to plump up lips, add volume to cheeks, and even add tone and dimension to chins and nose bridges. All of these changes can have a huge positive effect on your self-confidence.
Our team at Dermacare of San Diego finds that your mid-20s is a great time to start facial fillers, but there isn’t a bad time after that to start either. We also offer a variety of options including hyaluronic acid fillers, collagen stimulators, and permanent fillers, so you’re guaranteed to find a treatment that works for you. If you’re ready to restore your youthfulness and love the skin you’re in, facial fillers could be a good option. Give our team of professionals a call today to learn more or to schedule a consultation!